Daily Press: Wrong on appointing Constitutional Offices

“Appointed positions would have detailed job descriptions, credential requirements and a formal hiring process that would produce a pool of applicants. Currently voters often have a “choice” of one.”(Daily Press)

Newspapers don’t complain about my “choice” of only one newspaper.

But the Daily Press’ idea of eliminating elections is not a new or good one. It’s claim, that Sheriffs, Treasurers and Commissioners of the Revenue should be hired by cities and counties and not elected by the people, shows an editorial disdain for the aptitude of voters to choose wisely.

Listen to the hate oozing from the Daily Press:

“Most voters don’t even know what the commissioner of the revenue does, much less have the ability to discern whether someone is qualified.”(Daily Press)

Disgusting. That’s what the news media thinks of you!

What’s the next step? Appointing the House of Delegates? Letting the newspaper editorial boards choose the next Governor?

No wonder newspaper readership is dropping, if this is their opinion of their customers.

The Daily Press even loses on the merits. There is a good case to be made to have City Treasurers and Commissioners of Revenue independent of City Managers and responsible to voters.

In Virginia Beach, a controversy was brewing about where the city invests revenue. The City Treasurer has the sole authority to decide. He is free from influence by the Mayor, the City Council and the City Manager.

That’s as it should be.

In Norfolk, voters decided to end the tenure of their Commissioner of Revenue – an action the Daily Press would’ve disallowed.

Sheriffs have been elected and continue to be throughout most of the country for a reason – it’s good to have an elected law enforcement officer working with police chiefs and other law enforcement professionals. That balance is a strength that should not be easily disregarded.

I’m open to reform ideas for Constitutional Officers. I’m not 100% sold that they should all be Party-nominated partisan offices, and I do agree that too often Parties let most Constitutional officers run unopposed because they are difficult to unseat.

But the solution to those process questions is not to disenfranchise voters from having the final say.

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