Winchester Star: Former U.S. Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr. Dies

A truly great Virginian has passed away today.

Byrd broke from the Democratic Party when he refused to sign an oath to support the Democratic nominee for president in 1972, without knowing who would be selected. He ran as an independent.

“I realize full well the difficulties I face in this decision,” Byrd said in a statewide address on March 17, 1970, announcing his decision. “The course I am taking is an uncharted one.

“But I would rather be a free man than a captive senator.”

Rare sentiments, especially when followed for the right reasons:

Voters first selected him for office in 1947 when he was elected to the state Senate at 32. Byrd was instrumental in shaping the state budget during much of his 18 years in Richmond.

His crowning legislative moment in the U.S. Senate was also budget related as he championed a bill that was signed into law in 1978 mandating a balanced federal budget.

It was one of the few bills Byrd introduced. He was a fiscal conservative steeped in Jeffersonian principles and believed, “we have too many bills, too much legislation that we just don’t need.”

Byrd, however, cast 6,270 votes in the U.S. Senate and answered 96 percent of Senate roll calls.

Perhaps the last of the Jeffersonians, Senator Byrd was a newspaper man above all else — his independent streak serving him well both inside the U.S. Senate and beyond, having endorsed at times Marshall Coleman, Mark Warner, and Mitt Romney in each of their contests.

Statesmanship for its own sake, not for political ambition or sour grapes, that eschewed political parties and was driven by conscience.

My… what we have to learn from our ancestors.

UPDATE:  Former U.S. Senator George Allen comments on the passing of Byrd:

“Virginia and America mourn the passing of one of the most influential, respected and principled leaders of the 20th Century, Harry F. Byrd, Jr.

“I will always remember his distinctive laugh and remarkably sharp perspectives throughout his long, meaningful life. The lasting legacy of Senator Byrd is his consistent, sound and unflinching leadership in working to achieve the ideal of a wise and frugal government. Senator Byrd was an independent, cheerful and amazingly insightful friend. I shall treasure his encouragement and counsel through the ups and downs of public service. Indeed, we emulated Senator Byrd’s example by returning unused Senate office funds every year.

“Above all, Harry Byrd, Jr. was a gentleman of impeccable integrity in all aspects of his life.

“Susan’s and my thoughts and prayers are with his children Harry III, Tom and Beverly, and the whole Byrd family, including grandson John who worked with me in the U.S. Senate. They are a wonderful, honorable family.”

Class act.

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