Write-in Bolling?

That’s the thrust of this Julian Walker piece, which takes us on a trip through two scenarios in which Bill Bolling decides he wants to make a gubernatorial run after all. Buckle-up:

Two rumors now making the rounds envision ways Bolling could yet join the campaign, both partly premised on a hypothetical early departure by McDonnell, who has said he’s not resigning and plans to complete the final months of his four-year term.

One scenario envisions Bolling filling in for McDonnell as interim governor and then deciding to wage a write-in effort because it’s too late to qualify for the November ballot.

The other, perhaps even more far fetched possibility, involves Bolling replacing Robert Sarvis as the Libertarian Party’s nominee in order to appear on the ballot.

The latter option made me laugh out loud.

Walker quotes a statement from Bollings office that discounts both possibilities:

“The Lieutenant Governor, like a lot of Virginians, is concerned by the current rhetoric and direction of the campaign, and everywhere he goes he hears from people who wish he had chosen to enter the race and give them another choice,” she said.

“We’ll never know what might have happened if he had decided to run, but all things considered, he continues to believe that he made the right decision,” Hedrick added. “Bill has challenged both candidates to run campaigns that are worthy of Virginia. Frankly, he’d like to see them talk more about why they are the best person to lead Virginia into the future, rather than spending all their time attacking their opponent. In the weeks to come, we will be doing more through the Virginia Mainstream Project to try and refocus the public debate on the big issues facing Virginia. That’s the role I see Bill playing in the short term.”

As Julian notes, this does not entirely close the door to a Bolling re-appearance in the gubernatorial sweepstakes.

Ponder that possibility this weekend…

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