Virginian-Pilot – 10 times the class of RTD’s Schapiro

The Virginian-Pilot editorial board today demonstrates how to write a balanced opinion of the McDonnell apology, and draws itself in sharp contrast to the hack pieces of the Richmond Times-Dispatch’s Jeff Schapiro.

Schapiro imagined himself in the bathroom with the Governor and First Lady, and then launched into a rabid assault where he criticized McDonnell for apologizing, and then complained that he didn’t do it sooner.

Free of such self-spotlighting self-aggrandizement, the Virginian-Pilot strikes just the right tone in “McDonnell Apology Is a Good Start“.

“Gov. Bob McDonnell has made a mess, and he knows it. This week, he took a welcome and necessary step toward making things right. He must do more.”

Was that so difficult? That’s a balanced message from a thoughtful board of writers.

“The statement, a surprising offer of contrition, accompanied an announcement that McDonnell had repaid, with his own funds and money from a family business, $120,000 in loans from a political donor who has also lavished on the governor’s family tens of thousands of dollars worth of gifts.

“The governor’s words indicate he may finally recognize the ethical breach of his conduct, and the inadequacy of his responses to the frequent, humiliating revelations.”

See, Jeff. That’s lucid, level-headed writing.

I’m not saying I agree with the Pilot’s entire editorial. But the board lays out a path for the Governor to restore confidence and trust. Their suggestions have some merit, and are worthy of discussion.

Discussion – that’s what editorials are supposed to generate. The Virginian-Pilot editorial engenders discussion about next steps. Schapiro’s repeated rants engender only discussions about Schapiro.

That’s the difference.

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