PolitiFact: McAuliffe Lied

Clinton McAuliffe

So when T-Mac in his flustered huff during this weekend’s debate said that an ethics investigation said that Cuccinelli “should have been prosecuted” but that Virginia’s laws were not strict enough, the stifled laughter in the room was enough to let folks know the Macker had stepped in it.

Big time.

Amid criticism from Democrats, Cuccinelli in April appointed Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney Michael Herring to investigate whether Cuccinelli had violated state disclosure laws.

Herring, in a nine-page report released on July 18, wrote “our investigation finds no evidence” that Cuccinelli violated any laws or intentionally failed to disclose the gifts.

Contrary to McAuliffe’s statement, the report does not say Cuccinelli “should have been prosecuted but Virginia laws are insufficient.” The report does not mention the word “prosecute” and it offers no opinion on the strength or weakness of the state’s disclosure laws.

Politifact doesn’t even waste time with a lengthy explanation here.  Open and shut case.

Of course, this just makes an already uncomfortable and embarrassing McAuliffe debate performance that much worse.  Coming off the heels of his “sharknado” ad where gobs of money was wasted, and this has not been a good summer for Terry’s bid for governor.

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