Breitbart: Mississippi Has Disbursed Entire $5 Million Loan to McAuliffe’s GreenTech

So where did it go?

Jeff Rent, public relations and media manager at the Mississippi Development Authority, confirmed in an email to Breitbart News on Monday that the Mississippi state agency responsible for economic development has disbursed $5 million in loan proceeds to the GreenTech Automotive electric vehicle manufacturing project in Tunica County, Mississippi.

“All of the $5 min [million] assistance has been disbursed,” read Rent’s brief email in reply to our earlier inquiry.

According to the terms of a 2011 Memorandum of Understanding, the State of Mississippi loaned $3 million of this $5 million directly to GreenTech Automotive, the company which Terry McAuliffe, now the Democratic nominee for governor in Virginia, served as chairman from 2010 to 2012.

Read it all.

$5 million dollars is a lot of Rolex watches…

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