Virginian-Pilot quotes “non-partisan” liberal Democrats

The Virginian-Pilot today decided to print an attack on Gov. Bob McDonnell by an organization called “Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.”

I’m not repeating their attack on the Governor, although their website claims “it’s always easier to tear something down than to build it up” and they are proving it.

The reporter writes “CREW bills itself as a nonpartisan watchdog group dedicated to holding public officials accountable for their actions.” and then adds that the only Governors the group attacks are Republicans.

Then why report their dribble at all?

I’ll go a step further. Their Executive Director, Melanie Sloan, has a resume including work for Democrat John Conyers, Democrat Chuck Schumer, Democrat Joe Biden, and an almost-job with Lanny Davis.

She says she’s an independent.

CREW’s founders include big money donors to Democrats, and don’t get me started on the George Soros money.

The press’s lust on throwing ink at anyone who helps them repeat negative attacks on Bob McDonnell is starting to wear on me. Giving a soapbox to any liberal pretending to be “nonpartisan” is not journalism.

Bearing Drift should call itself “nonpartisan” and then every newspaper will reprint every attack on Democrats we make, right?


Hello, media? You’ll come to our press conference, won’t you?

Didn’t think so.

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