“No” on adjournment, says Rep. Scott Rigell

“When we come up to this August recess, and there’s a vote for adjournment, I’m voting no and I encourage all of my colleagues to vote no, because our work is not done here.”

Representative Scott Rigell wants to keep working rather than taking the summer off with most appropriations bills not passed, and our economic future still very much at risk. Rigell wants action.

So it’s a NO vote on adjournment. See his interview from Bloomberg TV:

“Businesses and families, they’re over it, really. I really think that we ought to be in session six days a week from 8 AM in the morning going to 7 PM at night.”

He sees a budget trainwreck coming in the fall if Congress doesn’t work through the summer.

“I think about that I think about our next generation that’s coming and frankly I look around what’s happening here in Washington and it compels me to say what I think needs to be said and do what must be done.”

Serious talk from a serious leader.

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