Bacon’s Rebellion: The Secrets of the Governor’s Mansion

Calls for Governor McDonnell to resign grow by the minute.

This time?  The inestimable Jim Bacon chimes in:

I defended McDonnell two months ago on the grounds that, yes, while the gifts bestowed by Star Scientific CEO Jonnie R. Williams, Sr., were unusual and the endorsement by First Lady Maureen McDonnell of Star’s dietary supplements unseemly, there was no evidence that McDonnell had done any special favors for Williams. At the time I did note, however, that I was more than willing to reappraise the situation if more substantive information turns up.

Well, more substantive information has turned up. While McDonnell still can cling to his argument that there was no quid pro quo, the latest story by the Washington Post prompts the question: If McDonnell wasn’t giving the Vitamin VIP special treatment, what the hell was going on?


More questions than answers, and if the rumor mill is of any merit — and up to this point, it has been most assuredly so — the very worst is yet to come.

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