Sarvis ad swings at Cuccinelli and McAuliffe over marriage equality

Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis has taken quick advantage of today’s Supreme Court “DOMA” ruling. This video’s stated aim is to bring marriage equality to Virginia and make it a gubernatorial campaign issue. In reality, it’s striking while the iron is hot. Nothing wrong with that:

Good luck with that. The press release accompanying the video took swings at both Ken Cuccinelli and Terry McAuliffe:

“Ken Cuccinelli talks a lot about ‘personal freedom,’ but he has no problem with using government to impede social changes and to meddle in the most personal of decisions: deciding whom to marry.

“And while Terry McAuliffe launched a fundraising email blast to same-sex marriage supporters right after the ruling, he admitted to a NoVa tech audience last week that ‘it’s not an issue that I’m going to spend my time focusing on.’”

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