What’s he hiding? Northam’s issues page still says “access denied”

In last Friday’s edition of our newsletter, “Dead Reckoning,” we noted that the “issues” section of Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Ralph Northam’s website was sporting an “Access Denied” headline at the top…and not much else. It’s been that way since he won the Democratic nomination.

Checking today finds…it’s still a blank slate:

Northam access denied

We can understand if Ralph is redesigning his website. Bearing Drift is in the process of doing the same thing. But unlike us, Northam is running for statewide elected office. He needs to keep things like his issues pages online and updated.

“Access Denied” indicates that Northam either doesn’t want anyone to know what he stands for, or is in the process of changing his mind on a whole host of matters in the run up to the general election.

Or there is a much simpler explanation.


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