Obama’s Floundering European Trip


Perhaps I am just about the only Catholic in America not terribly upset about President Obama’s remarks in Northern Ireland as he took shot at Catholic-Protestant schools there.

To the American ear, it may sound anti-religious, and I’m sure that to some one the eve of the imposition of Obamacare and the HHS Mandate, it’s an open shot against Obama while overseas — a faux pas if there ever was one, and a violation of the “politics stops at the water’s edge” ideal most Americans believe.  So to someone a bit more attuned to the struggles in northeast Ulster, this is more a plea against sectarianism than it is against faith.

However, when we get to Obama’s speech in Berlin on nuclear disarmament, the panning that Obama is getting in Europe at the moment seems almost dreadful.  From the UK Telegraph:

In stark contrast to that of his presidential predecessors, Barack Obama’s message on Wednesday was pure mush, another clichéd “citizens of the world” polemic with little substance. This was a speech big on platitudes and hopeless idealism, while containing much that was counter-productive for the world’s superpower. Ultimately it was little more than a laundry list of Obama’s favourite liberal pet causes, including cutting nuclear weapons, warning about climate change, putting an end to all wars, shutting Guantanamo, ending global poverty, and backing the European Project. It was a combination of staggering naiveté, the appeasement of America’s enemies and strategic adversaries, and the championing of more big government solutions.

There was little in this speech that advances US interests, or makes the world a safer place. Completely missing from Obama’s address was a call for the West to stand up to the rising threat of Islamist militancy, the defence of Christians facing huge levels of persecution and intimidation in the Middle East, strong condemnation of Iran and North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, and any criticism of growing authoritarianism in Russia. The president paid lip service to the NATO alliance, which has proved critical in preserving Europe’s security for over 60 years, but made no call for the alliance to be strengthened in the wake of waning support and investment in Europe.

Even the UK Guardian seemed underwhelmed:

Among the only firm policy statements was a comittment (sic) to cut US nuclear weapons arsenals by a third and seek fresh talks with Russia to reduce stocks further.

“We are on track to cut nuke warheads to lowest levels since 1950s … but we have more work to do, so I am announcing [that] we can ensure security of US and allies by reducing our stored weapons by up to one third,” said Obama. “I intend to start talks with Russia to move beyond cold war postures.”

Speaking to an invited crowd of 6,000 guests, he also hinted at calls for greater German support for US intervention in countries such as Syria.

For added interest:

After quoting Immanuel Kant on freedom and his belief “in open societies that respect that sanctity of the individual”, the president echoed calls he made during a recent speech in Washington for an ending of America’s war on terror.

Quoting Immanuel Kant?  Forget Marxist — Obama is a KANTIAN!!!

Wrong on Metaphysics.
Wrong on Ethics.
Wrong on Aesthetics.

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