Bolling’s “mainstream” group looks like one more incumbent protection society

Bill Bolling’s efforts to defend what he sees as the vital center of Virginia politics via his “Virginia Mainstream Project” continue apace with the announcement that the group is wading into the Republican House of Delegates primaries:

VMP has endorsed the following candidates:

House District 15 – Todd Gilbert
House District 28 – Bill Howell
House District 29 – Beverly Sherwood
House District 33 – Joe May
House District 54 – Bobby Orrock

Bolling said, “The Virginia Mainstream Project supports candidates who understand what it takes to govern Virginia effectively, candidates who will keep their focus on responsible public policies to control spending, create a pro-business environment in Virginia and find bi-partisan solutions to the most important issues facing our state. I am pleased to give my support and the support of VMP to these candidates, who have proven throughout their public service careers that you can stand strong for conservative values and work with Republicans and Democrats to actually get things done in Richmond.”

So it’s defending incumbents. That’s not exactly new, bold or different. But it does help bolster the status quo, so in that regard, it’s about as “Virginia” as it can be. In the open seat 85th district contest, though, VMP must pick sides. And it has:

Bolling also announced his support for Scott Taylor in his campaign for the Virginia House of Delegates in the 85th district. Bolling said, “Scott Taylor is the kind of mainstream conservative leader the people of the 85th district need to represent them in Richmond. Scott has a distinguished career serving his county as a U.S. Navy Seal. In addition, as a small business owner, Scott has the experience that is necessary to make certain that we advance pro-growth policies that will support small businesses in Virginia.”

This is the more substantive endorsement. Now to see if it makes a difference in the contest.

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