Uranium Picks Up Steam in Pittsylvania County

Proponents of uranium mining and cheap energy are rallying in Pittsylvania:

Primarily a social occasion, speakers at the event kept things brief. Lillian Gillespie, former mayor of Hurt and chair of PEP, said the group formed as a response to the “negativism” at the entrance to public meetings about uranium mining. Mining opponents frequently set up tables and give away bright T-shirts with the “Keep the Ban” logo.

“Six months ago, I and a few other supporters decided we’d had enough,” she said.

Gillespie said the group is up to 2,800 members and is growing.

More over at the Danville Register and Bee.

When folks talk about making Virginia the energy capital of the East Coast — Governor McDonnell among them — this is what they are talking about. $10 billion dollars of proven energy reserves…

Talk about good news for working class Virginians.

Ironically enough, it’s local Republicans that oppose all this cheap energy.  Both HOD candidates — Les Adams and Ken Bowman — are opposed, as are existing State Senators Bill Stanley and Frank Ruff, perceptibly because of two factors: (1) perceived public opposition and (2) perceived health hazards — neither of which seem to have much merit when analyzed in the balance.

Maybe we can expect some movement in the coming months?

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