McAuliffe blames Bush for father’s death

Another day produces another whopper from Terry McAuliffe’s past. This time it’s how the very prospect of George Bush entering the White House contributed to the passing of McAuliffe’s 83 year-old father:

And I told the story, you know, I gave at the eulogy at his funeral, and there are many reasons why people thought Jack had died,” McAuliffe told C-SPAN. “He was 83 years old. And I said the main reason is that he could not go into a new year knowing that a Republican was actually moving into the White House. I just don’t think he could’ve handled that.”

“He had eight great years,” McAullife continued. “President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton were so nice to my mother and father, they’d come down all the time. So he had a great eight years when President Clinton and Vice President Gore were in office, and he just wasn’t going into a new year with a Democrat not being in the White House Steve, he just couldn’t handle it.”


There’s video of McAuliffe at the link. He says all of this with a straight face.

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