Bolling says McAuliffe deserves credit for transportation bill passage

When Terry McAuliffe unveiled a new TV ad in which he claims major credit for helping get the transportation bill through the General Assembly, Republicans erupted. Senator Walter Stosch took particular umbrage at McAuliffe’s claims:

“Terry McAuliffe was not a participant nor did he have any influence in the development or negotiation of the transportation bill. I am not aware of any contacts or influence he provided resulting in changing the outcome of HB 2313. To claim credit for its passage is simply misleading. The public has long known that all political advertisements should be digested with a grain of salt, but every once in a while there is one that stands out for its absurdity. The new ad implies that somehow McAuliffe was instrumental in bringing the transportation package across the finish line. From the prospective of a lawmaker who experienced the tense moments and late nights, I can say unequivocally that McAuliffe had nothing to do with securing the measure’s final passage. His attempt at claiming credit where none is due is an example of self-puffery that frankly deserves a prompt correction,” Stosch added.

Seems definitive. But someone forgot to tell Bill Bolling about any of this:

This entire episode has now crossed into farce. On the hand, we have a Republican Senator fiercely defending his colleagues’ hard work on a major piece of legislation against a Democratic claim jumper — nevermind that the bill raises taxes. On the other, we have a Republican lieutenant governor seeking to give a Democratic gubernatorial candidate props for his role in getting that same tax increase passed.

It’s almost as funny as “Some Like It Hot.”

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