Herring Slams Obenshain for… Supporting Virginia Law

November is looking worse and worse for Democrats statewide.

The latest is Mark Herring’s laughable ‘attack’ on Republican nominee Senator Mark Obenshain on guns.

Now, Herring has the problem of being an uncharismatic, vanilla, boring and unaccomplished state senator. He’s tried making the Attorney General’s office an issue…despite the AG’s office has a +21% approval rating.

Now he turns to Obenshain, despite being neck and neck with unknown prosecutor, Justin Fairfax.

In his latest (boring) ad, Herring hits Obenshain, saying: “he would even allow guns in bars!”

The problem?

Guns in bars passed with with bipartisan support in the State Senate in 2010, passed the House 72-27, and was quickly signed into law by Governor McDonnell soon after.

Herring is attacking Obenshain for supporting by Virginia law, a law that’s been on the books for almost three years now.

And this guy wants to be Virginia’s top attorney?

November is shaping up to be a bloodbath for the Governor and Attorney General races so far. Keep up the great work Dems!

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