Cuccinelli online ad smacks McAuliffe over…pellets

Yesterday brought a policy-oriented broadcast ad from the Cuccinelli campaign. Today, it’s a smack you in the mouth online ad aimed at raising additional doubts about Terry McAuliffe’s job-creating credentials:

It uses ancient techniques: get the press to ask the questions, pluck the choicest clips, bundle them together and presto! Your attack ad is complete.

Does it work? That depends entirely upon the target audience. Monday’s ad on tax cuts/tax reform featured the candidate and was scripted for broad public consumption. The message is softer and more personal. It’s intended for those who probably don’t even know there’s a gubernatorial election this year, but are very aware of the taxes they pay and the jobs they hope to keep (or find).

The online ad smacking McAuliffe? It’s aimed at those who prefer their politics doused in rooster sauce. Tough, biting, even a bit retro. It’s also one that can easily be tweaked for a broadcast run, if necessary, in the fall.

Look for many, many more of these digital ads in the weeks ahead.

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