Stearns endorses Obenshain for AG

A very interesting endorsement for Mark Obenshain’s campaign for the GOP attorney general nomination from 3rd District chairman Chris Stearns:

Over the past few years, infringements on personal and economic liberty and a steady drift away from the principles of our Founding Fathers have served as motivation for me to challenge the status quo as a grassroots activist. That same motivation is why I’m supporting Senator Mark Obenshain for Attorney General – and I hope that conservatives across Virginia will join me in doing the same.”

On Mark’s Facebook page, they also make note that Stearns was the “former Ron Paul State Director,” just in case some convention attendees might have forgotten it.

There’s little doubt that Paul supporters will be a force at the convention. That Stearns, one of their leaders, has gone all in for Obenshain is significant — and it helps Mark enormously with a key convention constituency.

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