Northern Lights Tonight at 11:30pm!

If you’re fortunate enough to have a clear view of the northern sky with as little light pollution as possible, you may very well get a chance to see the northern lights tonight:

The geomagnetic storm is the result of “the strongest solar flare seen so far in 2013,” which caused a short-lived radio blackout about 3:15 a.m. Thursday,according to NASA. The flare also prompted a coronal mass ejection, which is basically a blast of plasma and wind shooting off the sun.

It’s that ejection reaching earth that will cause the geomagnetic storm and possible extension of northern lights – or aurora borealis — further south than usual.

The National Weather Service Space Weather Prediction Center said the solar storm hit earth about 6:15 p.m. this evening.

“Aurora watchers across the northernmost states in the lower 48 may have the opportunity to view the aurora Saturday night/Sunday morning, clear skies permitting,” forecasters wrote.

Historians will note that the one of the more famous sightings of the aurora borealis was just after the Battle of Fredericksburg.


It is indeed rare to see the northern lights so far south.  Let’s hope for a show!

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