Dennis Fusaro FINALLY Endorses

Mark Obenshain for Attorney General.  From his statement:

“At the May 18th Republican convention I’m voting for Mark Obenshain to be Virginia’s next Attorney General. “I’ve fought for the rights of law abiding gun owners and sportsmen in Virginia as a grassroots activist, as Director of State Legislation for Gun Owners of America, and recently as VCDL PAC Chairman. Mark Obenshain has been a fighter for gun owners in the Virginia Senate, and he will bring his strong pro-gun record into the Attorney General’s office. We also need someone like Mark who will work well with Governor Ken Cuccinelli to stand against what may be coming at us out of Washington, DC. “I believe that Mark will never turn his back on our gun rights.”

Of course, Fusaro is mum on an LG endorsement… even though Bearing Drift did our best to throw him into the deep end of the pool.

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