April is Military Child Month

Military Child

We thank our service members – maybe not always enough, but we do. We thank the spouses of our service members – too often not enough, but we do. Now April is a time to remind us to thank the children of our service members, and Governor McDonnell has proclaimed April Military Child Month.

Their sacrifices are unique. Imagine having to move every couple years – making new friends, in a new school, in a new house, in a new church, in a new Scout Troop, etc. Then imagine the burden on top of that wondering “When will be the next time my father or mother will be deployed?” Then imagine, if the parent is deployed in harm’s way, trying desperately to understand the complexities of war, danger, and mission, yet wanting only for that brave parent to return to put you to bed.

Yet despite these burdens, children of military families are often a shining example of discipline and maturity beyond their years, and strive daily to bring stability to a necessary dysfunction wrought through his or her parents’ total commitment to serve to a higher cause.

We cannot thank our service members and their spouses enough. And we also cannot thank their children enough for their sacrifices.


WHEREAS, thousands of brave Americans have demonstrated their courage and commitment to freedom by serving the Armed Forces of the United States both on active duty and in the National Guard and Reserves; and

WHEREAS, there are more that 150,260 children and youth with a parent on active duty, in the Guard or Reserves stationed in Virginia; and

WHEREAS, Virginia has the highest number of active duty, school age children in the nation and has committed to being an active participant in the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children in order to help them transition from school systems around the world; and

WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia is partnering with the United States Department of Defense to increase access to affordable, quality childcare for military children; and

WHEREAS, the children of our service members are major contributors to the strength of their parents every day; and

WHEREAS, the children of military personnel make significant contributions to family, schools, communities, our Commonwealth, and the nation, despite repeated and prolonged absences of one or both parents; and

WHEREAS, when parents serve in the military, their kids serve too, and it is fitting for our Commonwealth to pay tribute to military children for their commitment, their struggles and their unconditional support of our troops;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert F. McDonnell, do hereby recognize April 2013 as MILITARY CHILD MONTH in our COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens.

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