UPDATE: T-Mac Would Like To Wish Your Family a Happy Ea…. Nah, Just Give Him His Damn Money…


Democratic wannabe Terry McAuliffe apparently didn’t learn much this morning at Easter Mass.

Nah… he’s heading off to Easter Brunch.  And what’s on his mind?

Why, your money.  What else?

My family and I are about to head off to Easter brunch, but I wanted to make sure you were aware that:

Today’s the last day before we have to submit our first financial report of the year — our biggest test so far.

This is our best opportunity to demonstrate the strength of our grassroots movement to the press and political pundits in Richmond. And if we succeed, there will be no doubt that we have the resources — both people-powered and financially — to win this election.

But we’re still $14,817 away from our online fundraising goal and the deadline is at midnight. Can you make a $5 donation right now?

Now that’s just crass.

UPDATE:  Not to be outdone, Laurie Harmon over with DPVA shot upright from her chair on Easter… and tapped out this missive for cash:

I’m sorry to interrupt your Easter Sunday, but this will only take a minute.

I just stepped away from hunting Easter eggs to hunt for the last little bit of support we need to reach our online fundraising goal. And as of about ten minutes ago, we only have $9,313 left to go before tonight’s midnight deadline.

Can you make a $5 donation right now and make sure we don’t fall short?

Hunting Easter eggs… and lo and behold, Ms. Harmon’s Spidey-Sense just tingled and screamed “Hey — let’s go beg for cash!”

I didn’t think you’d agree either, gentle reader. Pretty damn outrageous.

Dems are 2-0 today — let’s see if any of the 10 GOP races manage to be as odious as to panhandle for political cash on Easter.

UPDATE x2:  Hey!  The DCCC gets in the game!

We could really do this!

If we can hit 200,000 donations before tonight’s FEC deadline, it would send a blistering message to Speaker Boehner and the Republicans.

Donate $3 before MIDNIGHT and your gift will be triple-matched >>

Because that’s what Easter is all about!  Sending blistering messages to Speaker Boehner (and anyone else with whom we disagree)!

UPDATE x3:  …and Delegate Rich Anderson (R-51st):

At midnight Eastern Time (ET) tomorrow, Sunday, March 31st, all candidates must report to the Virginia State Board of Elections how much we have raised since January 1stThe last thing I want is to end this fundraising period behind my opponent, hence this email.

While I have been able to raise funds by personal appeals to my friends and supporters, I have fallen short because I have been able to raise funds for only one month, while my opponent has been able to raise funds for a full three months.

I respectfully ask that you help me to make up the difference by clicking here and making a secure on-line donation to our campaign—by midnight ET on Sunday, March 31st—so that we can make up for lost time and submit a report to the State Board of Elections that outdoes our opponent.  I need to raise an additional $3,120.27 by Sunday night to reach our goal, and I hope that you can help.


So Dems 3, GOP 1 on Easter fundraising?  Ugh… keep ’em coming folks.

UPDATE x4:  Senator Mark Warner hearts him some fundraising on Easter Sunday…

With the FEC deadline a few hours away, we still need to add 204 donors to reach our fundraising goal – and I’m counting on you to help get us there.

This election is about whether we’re going to charge into the future or whether we’ll stay stuck in the past. We can’t afford for Washington’s dysfunction to hinder our competitiveness around the world. And it’s time we do the fair and right thing by supporting full marriage equality for all committed couples.

But I need your help to ensure we have the resources to fight back against the Super PACs and partisan interests, fix the gridlock in Congress, and keep America charging forward.

Note to Mark Warner — you don’t have an election this year….

UPDATE x5:  Terry is sooooo close!  Just a little bit more…

Since Terry’s email, I’ve been monitoring our progress and I wanted to let you know that we’re just $5,219 away from reaching our grassroots fundraising goal.

We simply can’t afford to fall short now — we’re so close. If we can get there by the deadline, we’ll have the resources to fight back against the Tea Party and the smear campaign they’re running against Terry.

Will you make a $5 donation before midnight?

Smear campaign… riiiiight… 

UPDATE x6:  The DLCC joins in the feeding frenzy!

If just 14 more supporters renew their membership by midnight, we’ll shatter our previous record for the most grassroots donations we’ve ever seen in this quarter of a cycle – you’re absolutely amazing! We can do it, but there’s only a few hours left:

Please donate $5 or more by midnight to automatically renew your 2013 membership. >> www.dlcc.org/finaldeadline

Every dollar will be used to support strong Democratic candidates in the most critical state legislative battlegrounds in the country, and believe me – every donation makes a HUGE difference.


UPDATE x7:  Organizing for America?  Loves fundraising on Easter, too!

At midnight, we’ll be closing out Organizing for Action’s very first fundraising deadline.

Once that happens, your name will either be in the books, or it won’t.

Close out this fundraising deadline knowing that you’ve stepped up and made a promise to be a part of the team fighting for change.

The shark tank grows full…

UPDATE x8:  It’s like drunks elbowing into a bar reading “free beer” — now Senator Tim Kaine needs your money…

Senator Kaine emailed you a few days ago about our ambitious goal to raise $20,000 before tonight’s FEC deadline for candidates who will work to end the gridlock in Washington – and with just a few hours left, we still have $1,883 to go.

Today, Senator Kay Hagan from North Carolina needs our help. She’s already under attack from the same kind of shadowy groups that we saw in Virginia last year – and it’s precisely because of the work she’s doing to take on the entrenched interests and get real results in the Senate.

In 2008, Senator Hagan beat the odds and pulled off a stunning victory in the national spotlight against Elizabeth Dole. This time around, her race promises to be one of the closest in the whole country– and she’s counting on us.

Can you make a $5 contribution to Kay Hagan’s campaign before the FEC deadline at midnight tonight? We need her voice in the Senate to move past the partisanship, find common ground, and gets things done.


UPDATE x9:  Howard Dean with Democracy for America sent this little ditty along as well, courtesy of an awesome Bearing Drifter who receives such things:

Together, we’ve put the right-wing extremists in Virginia and across the country on notice: DFA is coming for your seats.

Now we have to show them we’ve got the muscle to back it up.
The FEC reporting deadline is midnight tonight — and everyone is waiting to see just how committed DFA members are to fighting back.

Every dollar we raise by midnight tonight is a statement that DFA is ready for this fight, and gives us the resources we’re going to need to win.

Chip in $4 or more right now to build this organization for the fight ahead.

All the same format, folks.  Makes one wonder whether the Democrats actually read these e-mails.  Entirely different than the meat-and-potatoes variety you read from folks on the right, eh?

UPDATE x10:  DPVA chair Charniele Herring seems more than happy to toss on:

I just got an update about Lauren’s email from earlier and we’re only $1,438 away from reaching our first quarter financial goal.

Please give $5 or more now, so we can hit this goal and prevent the Tea Party from gaining any more power in the Commonwealth.

That oh-so-pernicious Tea Party…

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