Arlington’s million dollar bus stops put on hold

Arlington’s million dollar bus stop has become a national laughingstock. Via Tim Wise, we get this video from CBS News:

“Super soakers, because the taxpayers are getting hosed.” Ouch.

And it wasn’t just Arlington taxpayers. Recall that VDOT paid 80 percent of the stop’s cost. That means you, me, and our friends out in Lee County were on the hook for this monument to form without function.

The small upside in this story? Arlington has “temporarily halted” construction of 22 additional super soaker stops. Instead, the county manager is now soliciting public input:

Donnellan said the construction delay was ordered because of those comments, and she asked residents to e-mail suggestions to [email protected], with Super Stop in the subject line.

“This project took longer and cost more than it should have,” Donnellan’s statement said. “We have an obligation to the taxpayers of Arlington, the Commonwealth and the nation to ensure that our infrastructure projects are delivered in a timely, cost-effective manner. We will do better.”

Of course you will.

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