Who was deceptive — the Washington Examiner, Jimmy Barrett or Ken Cuccinelli?

In a radio interview with WRVA’s Jimmy Barrett this morning, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli took strong exception to a Washington Examiner piece on the AG’s role in fixing the transportation bill. The money quote, from a Cuccinelli for Governor press release:

“I was honored to work with members of the McDonnell administration in making sure the legislation was able to move forward without the threat of any legal challenges,” Cuccinelli said in a statement. “Moving forward, I remain committed to working to fix Virginia’s transportation problems, which will create jobs and ease the congestion across the commonwealth.”

That would appear as though Cuccinelli was claiming credit for the measure which he opposes. Jimmy Barrett, picking up on the Examiner headline (“Cuccinelli claims credit for road bill he nearly killed”), asked the AG whether he liked or didn’t like the final product:

Cuccinelli says Barrett’s introduction was “really deceiving,” that he has “never been for this bill,” and that he wishes Jimmy “wouldn’t say that” he ever did.

Interesting. On the one hand we have the Cuccinelli campaign talking about the honor of helping fix the transportation bill’s constitutional problems (eh…maybe), while on the other still saying the bill is a shambling wreck that the candidate opposes.

I leave it to you to decide whether there was any deception in all this. Afterwards, we will debate just how many angels can dance on the head of a pin…

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