Corruption in Norfolk? Get the Little Guys! [UPDATED]

The last week has shown not one but two indications of corruption going on in the Democrat-stronghold of Norfolk in Hampton Roads. Today, the City Manager asked for State Police to investigate instances of a vendor bribing bureaucrats for favorable treatment.

City Manager Marcus Jones has asked the State Police to investigate the alleged bribery of two city employees.

Jones told the City Council tonight that he will also launch an administrative investigation into internal controls and all agreements similar to the plumbing contract with A.T. Zoby Mechanical Inc.

The investigation will also look into the approval process and the employees who have the authority to approve transactions.

The city manager’s decision comes on the heels of a federal investigation into Andrew Zoby Jr., and two employees, who have not been identified. Zoby was charged with bribery last Tuesday.

Hurrah for transparency and oversight


Vice Mayor Anthony Burfoot promised developer Tommy Arney that he could get five City Council votes to approve a downtown gentleman’s club in exchange for Arney assisting the mother of Burfoot’s children with obtaining a loan for a condo, Arney testified today.

So let’s get this straight? Two city employees and let’s call in the Staties…but when it’s the Vice Mayor of the city in a votes for cash scheme and it’s met with crickets?

Arney took a plea deal to cooperate in return for leniency; if he fails to cooperate, or, you know, lie on the witness stand, his plea deal falls apart and he gets significantly more jail time. Which makes Burfoot’s denials pretty laughable.

“That is absolutely false,” Burfoot said this afternoon when contacted about Arney’s testimony. “I was the one who was out front and adamantly against a strip club coming downtown.”

Job well done, Norfolk.

This isn’t the first time Anthony Burfoot has been in the news for less than above board dealings.

In 2008, it came to light that the City Councilman had taken a deputy City Treasurer job within the city, augmenting his councilman’s salary with a taxpayer funded 52,000/year salary.

In 2010, Burfoot’s reelection campaign was met with resistance from an anonymous website, publicizing some rumors heard about Burfoot. Burfoot sued to have the site shut down, which while successful at first was later vacated and reposted. Does this sound familiar?

“Anthony Burfoot has… told many small business owners in Norfolk that in order to do business within the City he has to have a piece and be involved.”

But so long as you get ahold of those two dastardly city employees who took bribes, you’ll solve the corruption in the city.


[Update Wednesday March 27]

More testimony today continues to indict Burfoot for corruption.

Hammond today repeated the story, saying she heard the same conversation during a function at the Norfolk Half Moone Cruise pavilion in 2009.

“Do you know if Mr. Arney and Mr. Burfoot reached an agreement?” Assistant U.S. Attorney Uzo Asonye asked Hammond.

“Yes, she answered.

“Mr. Arney said that Mr. Burfoot wanted her to have that condo so Mr. Arney was going to give her $25,000 in return for him to get the votes needed for the cabaret,” she continued.

She went on to say she told Arney it was a stupid idea.

When asked why it was stupid, she replied, in part, “It’s bribery to a councilman.”

At this point it makes you wonder when Norfolk plans to do anything, or will this just be another swept under the rug good-ole-boy network issue.

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