Robespierre to ride again at the RPV convention?

reign of terrorJust when it seemed the Republican convention would end up being a little dry and boring, it seems there are a few who have the intention of making it a battle royal. Writing in the Virginian-Pilot, Julian Walker gives us taste of what might be in store;

…some of the same factions that pushed for that change [from a statewide primary to a convention] have been discussing a strategy that would take that to the next level – though no one has been willing to talk about it publicly – aimed at purging officeholders they consider too moderate, people they derisively call RINOs, or Republicans in Name Only.

Their goal: to get rid of primary elections altogether or severely limit them, a fight that has been waged in the Virginia GOP for years. That would give Republican insiders even greater sway over the selection of General Assembly nominees, leaving many voters with a voice only in general elections.

One approach that advocates of such a change have considered is setting up a court challenge in which their proposal for new party rules would be pitted against the current state law that gives many incumbents up for re-election their choice of nomination methods.

If a court gave pro-convention Republicans an avenue to all but eliminate primaries as an option in many elections, the change could also affect congressional elections, and perhaps even contests involving Democrats.

Another method could be to simply add a clause banning future primary elections, something many conservatives favor. Sen. Ralph Smith, R-Bedford County, has carried legislation that would strip from many incumbents, General Assembly members included, the ability to insist on a primary as the nominating method.

The Cuccinelli campaign doesn’t want any part of it:

Cuccinelli in a mass email last week expressed disappointment over rumors that “there might be a divisive attempt at the convention to change the party plan to modify how future candidates are selected.” He said he opposes such efforts and urged convention delegates to follow his lead.

Chris LaCivita, senior strategist for Cuccinelli, said the May convention is about nominating candidates. “Any attempts by outliers to do anything else will be soundly defeated,” he said, and would be perceived “as an attack on Ken.”

That’s pretty strong stuff. However, as some of these “outliers” already convinced Cuccinelli is a squish, such a warning from Chris LaCivita may fall on deaf ears.

But what is this mysterious memo anyway? Larry Sabato has a copy you can view here. For those who dislike clicking links, the text runs like this:

From: []
Sent:Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:51 AM
Subject: Confidential Convention Update

As a follow-up to our conference call earlier tonight I cannot reiterate the importance of what our leadership has shared with us. There is the perception that there will be a low turnout for the convention and I tend to agree, which is a great opportunity for us.

KC has “publically” [sic] stated that he opposes changing the party plan to force conventions, which he needed to say to keep the establishment off his back. However, as discussed on our call, WE MUST GET CONTROL OF THE CONVENTION AND WE MUST OBTAIN A 2/3rds MAJORITY in order to do what must be done. We are keeping KC and Mark out of these discussions so that they can claim deniability, so please do not share the plan with them. I have been told by Russ that Susan is very much in agreement with our plan and is committed to do whatever needs to be done on her end.

Don’t allow our supporters to stay home, don’t allow them to be comfortable. I have some ideas that I will be drafting in the next couple of days to send you which will create that fire to get our people out. Remember, we are at war and fighting for liberty. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and we must get our people to the convention and change the Republican Party and destroy the Republican establishment forever – I have been waiting
for most of my life for this moment. With only a few more votes we will be in full control.

For Liberty,

“We have to understand why we as individuals are important. I don’t believe for a minute that we have special privileges or rights or freedoms because we belong to a group. I don’t like hyphenated Americans. We are individuals that deserve the rule of law and the protection of the law.”
Ron Paul, 02-23-2012

Who wrote the memo? No one will take ownership of it. Word on the street is, and has been for some time, that it comes from former Ron Paul consultant Mike Rothfeld. Regardless, the author seems to see the coming convention as an opportunity to exorcise a number of personal demons. Robespierre would be proud.

The more interesting thing in the memo — aside from the idea of providing Ken Cuccinelli and AG candidate Mark Obenshain “deniability” for the group’s proposed course of action — is the mention of “Susan.” That would be Susan Stimpson, one of the seven candidates for the lieutenant governor nomination.

The intention here is clear: the Stimpson campaign will do whatever it can to abet this group’s plans, and, hopefully, reap whatever benefits might possibly result so that a Cuccinelli-Stimpson-Obenshain ticket can march out of Richmond and take the commonwealth by storm.

While most Virginians could care less about such parlor games, all this plotting to “destroy the Republican establishment forever” should give everyone pause. The tone of this memo is not one of change for the better. It is a quest for vengeance. And casting the effort as a fight for liberty is laughable. It is, as the memo writer says, one for “control,” which will be followed by purges.

True friends of liberty would have nothing to do with anyone seeking or abetting such ends.

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