Menendez, Melgen…McAuliffe?

Regardless of the politics, this investigation of Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) for allegedly taking improper gifts from Dr. Salomon Melgen donor in exchange for political favoritism demonstrates questionable ethics at best. The fact that Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe is associated with Melgen calls into question his knowledge of the activities and level of participation.

According to the Washington Post:

“Menendez has intervened in matters affecting the financial interests of Florida ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen, seeking to apply pressure on the Dominican government to honor a contract with Melgen’s port-security company, documents and interviews show. Also, Menendez’s office has acknowledged he interceded with federal health-care officials after they said that Melgen had overbilled the U.S. government for care at his clinic.

“Melgen has provided Menendez with plane flights and hospitality at his Dominican vacation home, say people acquainted with their relationship.”

Not to mention Melgen contributing more than $700,000 to Menendez and Democratic campaigns, reports the Post.

But what of McAuliffe? Virginia Watchdog reports,

“Quoting the Miami Herald, the Post said Melgen’s former office administrator and personal assistant called McAuliffe ‘good friends’ with the doctor. She said McAuliffe regularly consorted with Melgen at the physician’s Dominican compound.

“‘(McAuliffe) used to go to Dr. Melgen’s home in Casa de Campo and play golf all the time,'” Patricia Goodman told the paper.

“In his failed bid for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in 2009, McAuliffe received two $5,000 donations from Melgen’s company, Vitreo-Retinal.”

Does this imply McAuliffe has some tie to the larger investigation? Not necessarily – but it does indicate the type of person McAuliffe is all too willing to associate with…after all, McAuliffe hasn’t indicated he will be returning the $10,000 in donations he received from Melgen, had no problem hitting the links with him, and he’s not talking to the media about what he knows and whether Melgen sought similar concessions from McAuliffe and his friend, impeached President Bill Clinton.

There are thousands of unanswered questions. We’re only just beginning to get answers.

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