Pete’s Pig Rig responds to Chopra

The Snyder campaign released a video on YouTube this afternoon of “Pete’s Pig Rig”, who “breaks his silence to take the liberals to task for defending the big-government status quo.”

As Jason Kenney posted yesterday (nice shout-out in the video!), Aneesh Chopra and other liberals decided to take Snyder on over his views on Medicaid expansion.

But why a talking barbecue? Because “reformer” (read: “big government bureaucrat”) Chopra “doesn’t get to debate the boss” until he’s “made the varsity team” – especially while there’s still a “physician” in the race for the Democratic nomination (Northam).

Regardless, “the rig” takes on Chopra, a former adviser to the president, for wanting to expand Medicaid without demanding any additional reforms to the program.

What I found interesting was “the rig’s” defense of “our guy Ken” regarding academic studies, but how similar studies (Penn, Colombia-Cornell, South Florida) are conveniently ignored by the left with respect to Medicaid. This is interesting to me not just because it points out the left’s pivot from all-things academic (who needs the truth, anyway?), but also it’s the first time I’ve heard the Snyder campaign openly throw-in with the Cuccinelli campaign (that’s not to say it hasn’t happened before).

In the end, more creativity from the Snyder campaign and a healthy dose of humor pointing out abject hypocrisy here on a Friday afternoon.

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