Democrats working to uncling guns and religion

Gotta love Democrats. Now that the election is over, Obama can stop talking about stuff he doesn’t care about (the economy) and get back to his passions (gun control).

Barack Obama, remember, thought the American people “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Rhode Island, Obama country with his 63% win, just declared their Christmas tree is really not for Christmas. It’s a “holiday” tree.

Can’t have people clinging to Christmas this time of year. So, if it’s a “holiday” tree, what other holidays can we put trees up for? July 4th? How about a Labor Day tree?

Come to think of it, if we can’t say Christmas in public anymore, I want Labor Day renamed!!!! Why the heck should Americans be forced to celebrate Labor Unions?

Meanwhile, polls came out today claiming that voters in Virginia, North Carolina and Colorado want more gun control.

Who paid for the poll? “Mayors against Illegal Guns”

Ah – no bias there!

Everyone is against “illegal guns.” That’s not what NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the money behind the Mayors, is shooting for (sorry, had to).

Bloomberg favors a whole lot of measures that target law-abiding citizens lawfully owning firearms.

Gun control, however, has nothing to do with guns that are already illegal, which is why their poll tries to muster opposition for the right to a concealed carry permit.

The poll touts how much voters trust Obama on gun issues. If all Obama does is crack down on illegal guns possessed by criminals, these polls will probably not be an issue for him.

But if he follows Bloomberg and tries to divert blame away from these big city Mayors’ absolute failure to fight crime in their cities by usurping the Constitutional rights of citizens across the country, he’ll have a big problem very quickly.

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