“What’s Best For Virginia” Is George Allen And His Common Sense Energy Plan

“I’m Tim Kaine and I approve this message because I’ve always done what’s best for Virginia and I always will,”

OK then. Let’s go with that.

You spent your last year in office as a part-time Governor doing “what the President wants me to do.” How on earth could that possibly have been what’s best for Virginia? Seriously, how would you know? You weren’t here half the time.

Your proposed $2 billion tax hike on seniors, working women and people earning as little as $17,000 a year was “what’s best for Virginia?”

That was our Bearing Drift colleague Michael Fletcher on the ad. He covers many more examples, but I’m going to focus on The Chairman’s service to the coal industry.

Earlier this year Chairman Kaine took to the air in a helicopter to fly over, and take credit for, the only new clean coal-fired power plant to survive Obama’s EPA. (Some judge somewhere gets credit for that, not Tim Kaine.)

At the time no one could be found who remembered anything Tim did to support that plant.

Oh, sure he signed a veto proof bill from the General Assembly on the plant’s construction. Other than that? Nothing.

In September of 2012 Tom White writes;

I can tell you with authority that the new ad Tim Kaine is running boasting about the Hybrid Energy Center and his work to bring this plant and the jobs to this depressed area of the state is not being viewed too kindly in the mountains.

The way they remember it, Tim Kaine didn’t lift a finger to help battle the EPA. He didn’t help with the massive barrage of lawsuits filed by environmentalists and he never wavered in his support for Obama’s anti-coal agenda.

I was on a conference call with State Senator Bill Carrico and Delegate Terry Kilgore a short while ago and these two gentlemen are upset that Kaine would try to claim credit for something he not only didn’t do, but he was, in fact, a huge hindrance to completing the project with his support of the agenda.

Kilgore said he didn’t even remember Kaine attending the groundbreaking.

While Tim Kaine stands idly by, the EPA has directly caused the loss of jobs for thousands of coal miners. Each coal job supports up to 3 other jobs in his community, directly with his purchases.

Not to mention the hundreds of Norfolk Southern jobs recently lost due to the mine closings. And the halting of a ‘shovel ready’ highway project in the coalfields. And the jobs they support. A job lost is never a zero sum game. Your job probably affects many others.

So Tim, tell the people in Southwest Virginia once again how you’ve “…always done what’s best for Virginia and I always will.”

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