Schapiro’s Halloween story….with papers, polls, and Virgil Goode, oh my!

It’s time for a Halloween scare, kiddies, and it comes from the cackling keyboard of the RTD’s Jeff Schapiro.

On Sunday, The Danville Register & Bee, for the first time in Allen’s career in statewide politics, editorially rejected his candidacy to endorse his Democratic foe, Tim Kaine. The Southside daily, owned by the same company that publishes The Richmond Times-Dispatch, also urged the election of Republican Mitt Romney for president.

On Monday, The Washington Post published a poll showing Allen trailing Kaine, with the latter ahead, in part, because of broad support in the Northern Virginia suburbs, the state’s biggest vote trove.

Allen must really be in trouble.

Yes, children across the commonwealth quail in their beds because the mighty Register & Bee has decided not to back George this time around (though through their tears they also offer surprise…the Register & Bee is still being published?).

Adding to the untrammeled DOOM approaching, the WaPo has baked itself a tasty poll showing Allen way, way behind. And if we’re willing to believe, as the Postie pollsters do, that only 23 percent of Virginia’s electorate will be Republican in November (down from the 26 percent in their previous poll), then, yes, things look downright bad for George. They look even worse for the RPV, which, by the WaPo’s accounting, seems to be bleeding supporters at a catastrophic rate. In preparation for their eventual extinction, the existing members will form a tontine at the RPV Advance, with the last surviving member receiving a fruit basket, a truck load of “Marshall Coleman for Governor” bumper stickers and a precious lock of John Warner’s hair.

But the evil confronting George doesn’t end there. A Virginia version of the Blair Witch stalks the woods and fields of Southside. But rather than a murderous hag, it’s Virgil Goode who will shake the tents and harvest the souls of Allen’s ragged remnant.

Surely, Mr. Allen’s only hope is to try to find car now. Maybe he should head east. Or south. Or simply admit he’s lost and await his turn facing the corner.

It’s a good story. It’s also one that could only come from the mind of someone who is genuinely terrified that George Allen will rise once more to elected office. Happy Halloween, Jeff. And remember to set a guard on your anxiety closet on election night…

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