Dems Officially Out Of Cash (and Ideas): Run 2006 Ads Against Allen

Now how’s this for laughable.  The Dems ran a series of these slanderous, evil ads in their heyday in 2006.

…and in 2012, they’re back.

Since it’s not public yet, you have to click on the link in order to view it.  Get the theme yet?   Romney causes cancer; Allen causes car crashes that paralyze kids.  Got it.


Meanwhile, Kaine is back on the air with ads showing how he helped people in Honduras (that’s nice) because of his faith (which he doesn’t practice) and how he’s going to end partisanship (because that’s precisely what he didn’t do as governor) and bring back partnership (of the same sex variety?) to Washington (which as a former DNC Chairman, it was his job to be partisan in the first place).

How stupid do they think Virginia voters are??



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