Kaine is beginning to hear voices – and plagiarizes Allen in the process

When Gov. George Allen released his “Virginia Voices” ad campaign last June, the Kaine campaign was very quick to raise their eyebrow at it.

As the Allen campaign released the ads, they posted them on the website “VirginiaVoices.com“, along with vignettes of George or Susan Allen’s visits across Virginia discussing the issues with voters. These ads showcase many of the issues Allen has been campaigning on throughout the year – a stronger economy, creating jobs, balancing the budget, a strong national defense, being a leader in education, and energy independence – as told by Virginians, many of them women.

Here’s what Allen’s website looks like:

Allen’s “Virginia Voices” website. Launched June 2012.

Today we learn that the Kaine campaign has decided to release their own “Voices for Kaine” website:

“Voices for Kaine” Website. Launched October 2012.

Look familiar?

I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

But one other interesting point about the two sites – Kaine’s is for endorsement videos, not Virginians talking about issues that matter to them. And Allen is looking to solve problems for everyone – he doesn’t even include his name in the URL. Kaine seems to have set up his site as an altar to his own vanity.

The two sites may look similar, but they tell very different stories.

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