Barbara Comstock beards the MSNBC lion in its den

Chalk one up for Del. Barbara Comstock, who managed a zinger for the ages on enemy soil (otherwise known as MSNBC) regarding the equal pay issue the Obama campaign is trying to peddle on the campaign trail:

Later, Mitchell realized she had abandoned the approved script and told Politico that the video tape had mysteriously taken her remarks out of context:

Andrea Mitchell tells POLITICO, “I was referring to the industry as a whole. This remark has been taken out of context.”

So take that you unblinking, nuance-free video tape. But leaving nothing to chance, an MSNBC spokeshuman chimed in, too:

MSNBC spokeswoman Lauren Skowronski adds, “We take this issue very seriously and I can tell you that we’re proud of the gender equality at MSNBC.”

Straight out of the diversity training manual. But I think Larry O’Donnell may need a refresher course. His classy tough-guy moment last night could be construed as creating a hostile work environment.

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