Even in Blue California, Romney won debate

It’s still hard to imagine California not going for Obama in November, but the results of this poll of Golden State voters taken after the debate shows that even there, folks thought Mitt Romney was the clear winner Wednesday night:

Even more importantly — particularly in what is considered a ‘Blue’ state, where not surprisingly significantly more Democrats watched the debate than Republicans — it was striking that 48% thought Romney was the clear winner.

That’s according to a KPIX-TV CBS 5 poll taken right after the debate, which found only 34% of Golden State debate watchers actually believed Obama won.

Even in the San Francisco Bay Area, debate watchers saw Romney as a narrow winner, according to the poll which was conducted for CBS 5 by the firm SurveyUSA.

Now that’s funny. Less amusing for team Blue is this bit:

…the CBS 5 poll found Independents — the most critical, coveted and arguably most dispassionate group of debate watchers — said by 34 points that Romney was the convincing winner.

Even more interesting was that Moderates, who typically vote 2:1 in favor of Obama, viewed Romney as the winner by 15 points.

These results and $5 will get you a tall mocha latte. But still…the people in Nancy Pelosi’s backyard thought Romney won the debate. That has to hurt.

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