The view from The Lawn: Obama “probably” wins because the economy isn’t that bad

It may not come as a shock to those who’ve followed the Professor’s pronouncements over the years, but UVA’s Larry Sabato thinks the President is “probably going to win” re-election. Why he thinks so is a bit odd:

“There’s a kind of nuclear deterioration as time goes on,” Sabato said. “Only four years in the White House is a built-in excuse [for Obama]. That’s the hidden factor: the people who say, ‘I don’t like this guy but I really don’t want to go back to how it was before.’ The economy isn’t bad enough to beat a first-term president.”

There you have it: things just aren’t that bad, so Obama will win again.

The rise in the number of able bodied folks on foodstamps, stubbornly high unemployment, and more broadly, the nation’s declining economic freedom, might cause one to think the good Professor’s theory is somewhat off.

Or, given the views in the video below, that Sabato’s imagined electorate is out of its mind:

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