Devolites Davis is in for Lt. Governor, E.W. Jackson may get in…has anyone heard from Marshall Coleman?

Despite an horrific debut, former state Sen. Jeannemarie Devolites Davis has filed the paperwork, and is in the race for the Republican Lt. Governor nomination.

So the GOP has five declared candidates for the job, and it’s only September, 2012. More will come. And picking up on a rumor that’s been circulating for a while, the Pilot’s Julian Walker speculates that one of them could be former GOP Senate candidate E.W. Jackson:

A political aide to Jackson recently told us a statement will be released in the coming days but it’ll do little to tamp down talk of a potential Jackson candidacy if it hews to the message previewed for us.

Essentially, it’ll state that while Jackson is gratified people have encouraged him to consider a run, his current focus is on helping Mitt Romney and George Allen win the 2012 presidential and senate elections in Virginia.

In other words, “maybe.”

In June, former Senate candidate Jamie Radtke also left the door open to a possible LtG. run, stating that she had “a lot of fight left in me.”

Some years ago, there was speculation in Richmond political circles that then-newly minted Del. Manoli Loupassi wanted to run for the job, too. And other names have been bandied about as possible contenders for the nomination, including Pete Snyder and Sen. Jeff McWaters.

For a part-time job, it’s generating a lot of interest. But we can also assume that the field won’t reach critical mass until Marshall Coleman tosses his hat into the ring, too.

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