Powell: Running a campaign not to win?

I let this interview slip last week from Politico…and it’s classic ‘Mudcat’ Saunders.

Saunders, who is advising Wayne Powell in a campaign against GOP incumbent and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, said in the interview that the only way his candidate can have a legitimate shot to win is to raise more money.

“Saunders admits that his candidate has “an uphill climb” to upset the powerful incumbent, but says, “If we continue to raise money and our fundraising kicks up a little bit more, we’ve got a legitimate shot.”

Ergo, they’re not raising money, so they really don’t have a shot.


Did a senior campaign consultant just admit to the world that he doesn’t have faith in his candidate or his campaign?

You betcha.

Saunders basically said, “We are losing bad and I don’t want to take the blame, so I will shift the blame to my candidate who can’t raise any money.”

For those on the campaign, that bus’ personalized Virginia license plate reads “MUDCAT”.

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