Cuccinelli: Goode Stays on POTUS Ballot in Virginia

This just in from the Virginia Attorney General’s office:

It is not uncommon to find some irregularities in candidate petitions that contain thousands of signatures. Regardless of any such irregularities, the candidate had enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot. Therefore, the attorney general has concluded that the State Board of Elections was correct in certifying Goode for inclusion in the Virginia presidential ballot.

“We call them like we see them,” said Cuccinelli.

On September 4, 2012, at a meeting of the Virginia State Board of Elections, pursuant to Va. Code § 24.2-104, the board requested that the attorney general investigate the statements from an August 30th letter submitted to it that challenged the inclusion of Goode on the Virginia presidential ballot, based on alleged petition irregularities. The board had also previously requested on August 6th that the attorney general investigate certain other alleged petition irregularities related to Goode’s candidacy.

…and it’s done.

So what sort of impact will it have?  The tale of the tape will be in the 5th District, where Goode will have a draw.

If Romney is not on the knife’s edge in Virginia, or if it appears as if Romney will undoubtedly win (or lose) in Virginia, expect a sizable vote.  If not… the Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-Constitution Party nominee will have to put himself in the head of a Virginia vote who knows instinctively that the election is a referendum on Obama, and that every vote not thrown to Romney is one more vote Obama doesn’t have to recruit to save his presidency.

It all comes down to Ohio and Virginia.  We’ll see…

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