Chesterfield county school rebuffs Michelle Obama appearance

First lady Michelle Obama, who is making a campaign swing through Richmond, had originally requested to appear at a Chesterfield county elementary school. It was rejected because of district policy regarding political events:

…the school division’s community relations director, Tim Bullis, sent by email a statement regarding the school board’s policy in response to the newspaper’s inquiry.

“If a political campaign were to inquire about the use of a school facility during the school day, the campaign would be referred to a School Board policy 6100, which prohibits the use of school facilities during the school day for political purposes,” Bullis wrote.

The RTD reminds us that this is the second time the Obama campaign has been denied time at a Virginia school. The first was a request from the President to appear at UVA.

Never fear, Obama fans. Just as the President found an alternative outlet for his campaign event, Mrs. Obama is still appearing at CenterStage, though the tickets for that event are long gone.

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