Tim Kaine Cashing In On 9/11 (For Fun And Profit)

So one ambassador dead, three staff members killed, attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Cairo on 9/11, and an Israeli prime minister refused a meeting by the White House.

How does Tim Kaine celebrate?  By sending out a fundraising mailer, of course…

From the e-mail:

Tim Kaine E-Mail: SAD

Tim Kaine For U.S. Senate

Dear Shaun,

Yesterday, all Americans stood united in the memory of those we lost on September 11, 2001, and in the years since. Their sacrifice reminds us we’re not Democrats or Republicans first. We’re Americans first.

Both presidential campaigns rightly suspended negative ads across the nation for the day. However, here in Virginia, Karl Rove’s group Crossroads GPS launched three new attack ads against me.

It is a sad reflection of the divisiveness of our politics that outside groups like Crossroads cannot set aside false, partisan attacks even as our elected officials and citizens of all walks of life, political parties, and religious faiths join together to honor the dead, thank our first responders and service members, and celebrate the freedoms we enjoy as a nation.

I want to build a campaign that is based on bringing people together to strengthen our democratic process, not one based on attacks that seek to drive us apart. But to do that, I need your help to get our message out.

Can you make a contribution of $5 or more to help restore the politics of respect? Your support will show that we need leaders who will put working together for the greater good above partisan politics.

This new ad buy means that outside groups have already spent more than $10 million to push the kind of divisive messaging — even on a national day of remembrance — that plagues our politics today. We don’t need more ads featuring recycled claims that have already been proven false. Instead, this campaign should be an honest debate on the issues that are most important to Virginians.

In order to tackle the tough challenges America faces, we need to focus on what binds us together rather than what separates us. That’s the bridge-building approach I’ll take to the Senate. But in the face of these relentless attacks, I’m counting on people like you to help me get there.

Please make a contribution of $5 or more to help us reject and overcome the negative messaging from the other side.

Thank you for standing with me.

Tim Kaine

…and the title of this e-mail?  SAD.

I kid you not.

Perhaps Tim Kaine ought to be worrying about the things a future senator might be worried about… such as calling his good friend Barack Obama and counselling him about how a raid on an American Embassy is tantamount to an act of war?

Or perhaps coming out with a strong line against the Muslim Brotherhood?

Or maybe condemning Hillary Clinton’s assertion that “religious toleration” rather than say — the religious liberty we are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights trumps Islamist sensibilities?

Or perhaps we can contrast Christian reactions to offense vs. Islamist reactions to offense?

Heck — maybe we can talk about Kaine appointee Esam Omeish and his views on Islam and jihad?

“The jihad way is the way to liberate your land.” 

Tim Kaine thought that sort of worldview was worthy of an appointment to state boards.  Not just any board — as governor, Tim Kaine appointed Esam Omeish to the Virginia Commission on Immigration.

Yeah… read that one again, folks.  Seven years after Omeish made this comment, Kaine decided he was too hot to handle and dropped him like a rock because of “made aware of certain statements he has made which concern me.”

Hat’s off to your crack vetting team there, Governor Kaine…

Of course, Tim Kaine has a history of being soft on Islamist terror.  For instance, Kaine has spoken at dinners honoring Muslim Brotherhood official Jamal Barzinji — also a well known Hamas supporter.  FrontPageMag has more:

Kaine thanked the audience for their help with his gubernatorial campaign and asked for them to again support him in his quest to become a senator. This is troubling when you consider what else happened that night: A Lifetime Achievement Award was bestowed upon Jamal Barzinji, called a “founding father” of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. and an associate of Hamas. His Wikipedia page has been altered to boast of the award and Kaine’s attendance.

FBI documents from 1987-1988 flat-out state that Barzinji is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He played an instrumental role in setting up the Brotherhood networks in the U.S. decades ago. In 1972, he was the president of the Muslim Students Association, identified as a Brotherhood front in the Islamist group’s own documents. He was a founder of the North American Islamic Trust and a top official with the Islamic Society of North America, both labeled by the federal government as “unindicted co-conspirators” in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for financing Hamas. A judge ruled in 2009 that the government provided “ample evidence” tying the two organizations to Hamas.

So what’s sad?

Tim Kaine’s soft-shoe approach to the Islamist terror threat.

Ask yourself whether this is someone you want in the United States Senate.

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