Meanwhile, on the other side of North Carolina…

Democrats don’t “Dare” to mention Obama.

Pardon, your enthusiasm gap is showing.

The family just got back from summer vacation on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Fortunately, we made it home in time for the start of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.

Don’t laugh. If the Democrats are anywhere near as ugly as they were last week while the Republicans were meeting in Tampa, this is going to be great theater.

But, while the non-union employees in Charlotte are dusting off the styrofoam Greek columns, the Dare County Democratic Committee doesn’t seem to be very enthusiastic about the President’s re-election bid.

We stopped in at Trio, a wine, beer and cheese stop in Kitty Hawk. I highly recommend you give it a try if you’re on the OBX.

The shop is next door to the Dare County Democratic Committee Headquarters. Dare County is the home of the recently deceased Andy Griffith, a loyal Democrat and a vocal supporter of Obamacare.

Why does that matter? Check out these pictures of their front windows:




Notice anything missing?

Actually it’s not missing, it’s just very small. In the first picture are the only references to Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Two small faded bumper stickers from 2008.

I can’t find a mention on their website either.

Maybe Paul Ryan was onto something…

@mrfletcher | | Michael’s posts

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