On Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Virgil Goode, and Jamie Radtke

To my fellow conservatives, and especially my friends who are Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Virgil Goode, or even Jamie Radtke supporters.

We all have one goal this election. We simply must stop the current administration and the destructive path it has put us on.

We can only do that if we coalesce into a unified, conservative group. Yes, there will be some in that group who do not believe all that I do. Or you.

There will be some who advocate even stronger conservatism, even libertarian views.

Some, if not all, believe Roe v Wade must be overturned. Re-elect the current regime and that will only happen when the kid next door walks on the moon.

Those of you who have no strong opinion, one way or the other, about abortion, (also known as libertarian), want the issue returned to the states. That will only happen within the Supreme Court. Overturning Roe v Wade will do exactly that, regardless of who is president at the time, (See previous paragraph).

Some of them will want to end all foreign aid. Will a repeat of this administration do that? Or a cutback in defense to where all armed forces must stop at our water’s edge? OK. Maybe a repeat will accomplish that one.

My point is this; I understand your need to “vote your conscience.” No problem, go right ahead and write in Ron Paul. Or push the button on the computer screen for Gary Johnson or Virgil Goode.

Before you do though, remember William F. Buckley once said, “vote for the most conservative person who can win.”

A write in? A winning write in? A Libertarian with little cash? A minor party with even less cash? Remember the kid next door. In each of those cases he would be stomping around on a moon made of cheese. Circling a different planet.

I only ask that you do a little navel gazing between now and the first week of November. Might I suggest you stay home in November and chant your candidate’s name. The result is the same and your conscience is assuaged. Even better, the percentages don’t get skewed to the point the wrong man wins.

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