Tim Kaine is full of OBAMALONEY.
Let’s look at the facts.
Kaine says “As governor, I cut more than $5 billion, starting with my own salary, in order to balance Virginia’s budget.”
Sure he cut his own salary by 5%, but not after it went up for two years first. And while Kaine uses the ad to snark a George Allen…
Governor George Allen cut his pay by 10%, starting with his very first check.
“Governor [George Allen] Wrote His Personal Check Today — The Day He Received His First State Paycheck. . .” (John F. Harris, “Allen Signs Check To Cut His Salary,” The Washington Post, 2/2/94)
Allen Wrote A Check To The State Treasurer In Order To Fulfill His Promise To Cut His Salary By Ten Percent. “That was the amount of the check that Allen wrote from his personal account to the treasurer of Virginia, the first installment of a promise to reduce his $ 110,000 annual salary by 10 percent.” (John F. Harris, “Allen Signs Check To Cut His Salary,” The Washington Post, 2/2/94)
Kaine’s predecessor, Mark Warner, cut his salary by 20%.
When Kaine walked into office he had a budget surplus. Yet he felt the need to propose a tax increase.
Every. Single. Year.
Kaine’s budgeting was so bad that he couldn’t even get his own party to support his tax hiking budget. It died 97-0 in the House of Delegates.
In addition, during Kaine’s last year as part-time Governor, Virginia lost 65,000 jobs. And as students go back to school, let’s remember that while Tim Kaine was governor, tuition in Virginia’s public college system rose by 30 percent.
Tim Kaine wants you to think that cuttting his salary the last two years of his Administration was a big deal. But the reality is, he cut his full-time salary while doing a part-time job.
Kaine cut his salary he was also serving as chairman of the DNC. True, he didn’t take a salary from the DNC.
But he spent much of those last two years traveling the country attending fundraisers, campaigning for Barack Obama, cheerleading Obamacare.
With all those free dinners, it’s not like he needed that “extra” five percent for groceries.
Unlike the people suffering from the Obama economy that Tim Kaine wants to tax into oblivion.
Cross posted at The Write Side of My Brain.
Michael Fletcher is a writer, playwright, actor, and producer. He is the former editor of Bearing Drift print magazine and writes regularly at The Write Side of My Brain. Michael is a graduate of Asbury University and holds a Certificate in Christian Education from Asbury Theological Seminary. He has rejoined Bearing Drift as a content partner.