Senate Conservatives Fund Endorses George Allen

The few remaining Tea Party holdouts just got an engraved invitation to join the A-Team:

As the primary elections draw to a close and we head down the home stretch of the 2012 elections, the Senate Conservatives Fund is expanding the list of candidates we support. This will broaden our efforts and increase the impact we have on the United States Senate.

I’m proud to announce four more endorsements for the U.S. Senate today —Deb Fischer in Nebraska, George Allen in Virginia, Tom Smith in Pennsylvania, and Dan Bongino in Maryland. These are exceptional candidates and they urgently need your help.

Former conservatives supported by this elite leadership PAC have been Pat Toomey (PA), Marco Rubio (FL), Rand Paul (KY), Mike Lee (UT), and Ron Johnson (WI).

Not exactly the welterweight list of stalwart conservatives — those are all heavy hitters.

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