Republicans release Tuesday convention schedule; Christie to headline evening; McDonnell also speaking

From an RNC release:

“We Built It” to be the Day’s Theme of Convention

Tampa, Fla. – Promising that Tuesday’s convention theme “will honor the fact that it is the drive, determination and sacrifice of America’s job creators and millions of hard-working American men and women who made the United States the exceptional nation it is,” Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus today announced that Tuesday’s theme for the 2012 Republican National Convention will be “We Built It.”

At a campaign rally in Roanoke, Virginia, last month, President Obama declared, “if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.” Priebus said that Tuesday’s convention proceedings “will remind America that we are a nation made great not by Washington but by the men and women who summoned the inner drive, discipline and persistent effort to achieve their dreams within the free enterprise system.”

Convention CEO William Harris said, “Tuesday’s program will highlight America’s entrepreneurial strength and our people’s incomparable work ethic.”

7:30 p.m. Convention convenes
Presentation of Colors
Pledge of Allegiance
National Anthem sung by Philip Alongi
Remarks by Janine Turner
Video and remarks by Mayor Mia Love (Saratoga Springs, UT), U.S. congressional candidate
Remarks by former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum
Segment to be announced
Remarks by U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (NH), accompanied by Jack Gilchrist
Remarks by Governor John Kasich (OH)
Remarks by Governor Mary Fallin (OK)
Remarks by Governor Bob McDonnell (VA), accompanied by Bev Gray
Segment to be announced
Remarks by Governor Bobby Jindal (LA)
Remarks by Sher Valenzuela (small business owner, candidate for DE Lt. Governor)
Remarks by Governor Susana Martinez (NM)
Remarks by Governor Chris Christie (NJ)
Benediction and adjournment

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