POLITICO: DOJ Clears Virginia Voter ID (Update from AG Cuccinelli)


The new law — labeled a “strict non-photo identification law” by the National Conference of State Legislatures — expands the range of acceptable forms of identification, including some non-photo forms of ID. However, the law eliminates the option for voters to sign an affidavit if they do not have adequate ID — now, if voters don’t have a correct form of ID they can cast a provisional ballot and must show an ID at their local election office by noon on the third day after the election, or their vote will not be counted.

Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin!

Update (8/21): Statement by Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli:

“Securing our elections and protecting against voter fraud are critical components in preserving our representative democracy and the election process as a whole,” said Cuccinelli. “I am pleased that the Department of Justice has once again precleared a change in election law that will help to defend the integrity of Virginia’s democratic process and allow all voters to feel secure that their votes count and are not diluted by others committing fraud.”

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