Romney-Ryan have a very good week

A week following the announcement of Rep. Paul Ryan as the vice presidential candidate on the Republican ticket with Gov. Mitt Romney, the campaign is touting their fundraising and online numbers. Released this morning, the campaign reports:

Online Fundraising
Donations: 124,800+
Amount: $10,157,947
Average Donation: $81
% New Donors: 68%

Site Traffic
Total: 2,000,000
Desktop: 1,560,000
Mobile: 440,000

Mitt Romney Social
Facebook: +510,000 — Now 4,360,000
Twitter: +54,000 — Now 861,000

Paul Ryan Social
Facebook: +860,000
Twitter: +118,500

45,000+ sign up to volunteer online

Will these numbers turn into support for the ticket at the voting booth or is this just the GOP faithful finally acknowledging their ticket is set?

If Wisconsin is any indicator, this could translate into support at the polls. A recent Rasmussen poll has Romney leading in Wisconsin, turning, for now, that rather reliable Democratic state (at least in presidential elections) into a toss-up.

There’s no doubt that since the president’s “you didn’t build that” comment and the announcement of Ryan, Republicans have been rejuvenated in their support for Romney’s campaign. And, if the president continues to send Vice President Biden out on the trail, that support is only likely to grow.

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