Another day, another poll: Rasmussen shows Allen/Kaine, Romney/Obama tied

Scott Rasmussen has new polling data out on the Virginia Senate race and it shows — surprise! — a 46-46 tie between George Allen and Tim Kaine.

The margin of error is 4.5 percent.

There are a few interesting bits from behind the pay wall…

Rasmussen’s sample is Republicans — 37, Democrats — 36, Independents — 27. That’s quite a different universe from Wednesday’s Quinnipiac poll, where Democrats comprised 30 percent of the audience and Republicans 23 percent. That poll showed Kaine with a 2 point lead, just inside the 2.6 percent margin of error.

So no matter what the mix of voters, the Senate race is as tight as it can be. Just like it’s been all along.

Rasmussen’s presidential numbers for Virginia show Mr, Obama up 48-46 over Mitt Romney — well within the 4.5 percent margin of error. But consider this nugget, too: only 3 percent in this poll are undecided.

In the daily, national tracking poll, Romney has a 47-43 advantage over the President.

Sounds like Romney needs a game changer in Virginia. Could it be Gov. McDonnell? According to Rasmussen, McDonnell has a 60 percent approval rating in the state — better than anyone else on the top two ballot slots this year. McDonnell could, possibly, tip the balance toward Romney — and by extension, help George Allen break the deadlock with Tim Kaine. We shall see.

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